As she emerged from her own pain and trauma, she realized the world around her was full of its own pain and trauma. She knew then that her life’s mission is to spread love and healing to everyone within reach.

How I Hustle

Sweet Daddy D’s

Making the world sweeter one gourmet cotton candy cloud at a time. A brand dedicated to the empowerment of women to change the world around us, together.

What She Wants

A discussion of the traumas occurring daily in our communities, asking the question how do we begin to heal?  As well as my personal journey of healing that will overflow into our communities.

Hot’s N Cot’s

Everyone deserves a safe place to be while we work out our lives issues. Resources should help us grow not tear us down. Hot’s N Cot’s strives to provide both as the newest homeless life changer. 

Sweet Daddy D’s

I have made a whole lot of mistakes along my journey. Those mistakes took me to places I could never imagine before. During my struggles there were a whole lot of people who loved me where was and encouraged me to keep trying even when I wanted to give up. I made a flavor in honor of each woman who saved my life along the way. Each collection will honor women who saving someone’s life. 100% of the profits will fund a nonprofit Hot’s N Cot’s aimed to provide real homeless resources in communities across the country. Together we will empower each other and change our communities.

Collection papillon

What she wants

What began as a journal for the frustration I was feeling, became a discussion about the trials and tribulations we are facing in the everyday community. I hope by opening these discussions we can make improvements that offer everyone the benefit of living a free and peaceful life.